Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are a type of social wasp known for constructing their nests from a paper-like material they make by chewing wood fibers mixed with saliva. These nests are often found hanging from eaves, trees, and shrubs, and have a distinctive appearance, with a series of exposed, hexagonal cells. Paper wasps are generally less aggressive than other types of wasps, such as yellowjackets, but they will defend their nests aggressively if they feel threatened. Their sting is painful and can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. These wasps are beneficial predators, helping control insect pests like caterpillars and flies, but they can become a problem if they build nests too close to human activity. To prevent infestations, it’s best to remove nests early in the season before they become large, and to avoid disturbing active nests. If you encounter a paper wasp nest near your home, it's often safest to contact a pest control professional for removal.